domingo, 31 de octubre de 2010


La red social Facebook estrenará este fin de semana "FanSwarm", un juego que permitirá a los usuarios elegir un equipo de famosos y competir con sus amigos en una liga de popularidad, informó hoy la web CNET.

La idea es similar al de portales de Internet como y se basa en trasladar al mundo del espectáculo la fórmula de las ligas deportivas virtuales, en las que los participantes diseñan la alineación de un equipo deportivo y ganan puntos en función de los resultados de sus seleccionados en la vida real.
f your media diet consists mostly of celebrity gossip blogs and magazines -- you'll be happy to know that you can put all of that knowledge to work in a new Facebook game called FanSwarm.

The game, created by Ayeah Games, is a celeb-focused fantasy sports- game, but instead of a team of athletes, you choose a team of celebs and earn points based on what's being said about them in blogs and on Twitter.

"We use an algorithm that reads the heat of the social graph to figure out if a celebrity is hot or not," says Doug Levin, Ayeah Games president and CEO. "You can gain points by betting on Charlie Sheen and Lindsay Lohan's crazy careers."

The game will launch with 2,000 celebrities to choose from -- including popular political candidates -- and you will be able to select your celebs and then predict how their career will fare. If you're correct, you'll earn extra points and level up in the game to become the Queen or King of FanSwarm.
As if this whole concept isn't kooky enough already -- FanSwarm will also contain mini-games that will help you boost your overall score. One example is choosing a group of celebs and putting them into "scenes" which will increase or decrease points, says this Reuters article. "Putting Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt in the "beach" scene is a wise move, for example, but not if Jennifer Aniston also is there."

Levin says he brainstormed the idea for FanSwarm when George Clooney didn't win an Oscar for ''Up in the Air,' and didn't have anywhere to vent about it online.

"The environment is a highly structured way for people to express themselves, and we encourage user-generated content," Levin says. "Leave a comment, get points, play with friends, map out your predictions about celebrities. Our research says people are interested in these ideas."

We'll see just how interested people are in when this game launches on October 31.

En "FanSwarm", sin embargo, la puntuación dependerá de la cantidad de veces que el nombre de una personalidad aparezca mencionado en Twitter o en blogs, por lo que más que la actividad profesional, el juego medirá el interés que genere la vida de los famosos.

La aplicación estará disponible el domingo e incluirá de inicio una base de datos de 2.000 personalidades, entre las que estarán no solo estrellas del cine o la música sino figuras relevantes como Sarah Palin o Barack Obama.

El nacimiento de "FanSwarm" llegará poco después de la creación del portal, una red para la localización de gente conocida en todo el mundo en función de la última vez que han sido vistos en público, en medio de un creciente interés en Internet por desarrollar productos relativos al mundo del famoso.

Fuente: EFE - rosario3 -

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